Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week One and Two: Flipping a School

Hello everyone.  Well our entire high school has begun the flip. This week, I had the greatest moment that I ever had as a high school principal.  During the first week, I had our staff explain the flip classroom process to my students in each class. This allowed each teacher an opportunity to explain and reflect on the flipped classroom approach and it also enable us to start the dialog between my staff and students. During the second week of school, I had organized a large student assembly in which I had the opportunity to fully explain why we were changing to a flipped classroom approach.  In the assembly, when I started talking about the flipped classroom approach,  students began applauding and it ended in a STANDING OVATION!!!! I had to fight back the tears of joy. WOW! This was the greatest moment I ever had in 10 years as a principal.  I think that we have finally figured out how to set up a school who lacks funding and has at-risk transient student population base.